Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Week Whizzed By

Glen Rock, PA

This past week flew by but in its hurry, I was still able to savor some really joyful moments despite the chaos. Last Sunday I celebrated my 43rd birthday. I am not much on birthdays anymore, as I assume most people my age aren't, but for me this one held significance. It was a marker in my journey, a mile marker along the highway of healing I have been on for the past 13 months. I have one full year of Lyme treatment under my belt and while I have a long way to go, I am so thankful for where I am. Some days it is difficult to see it because the pain and exhaustion is still so great, but when I have a cause to pause and look over the past year, I am thankful for how far I've come. If this week occurred one year ago, I never would have been able to accomplish half of what I was able to accomplish this year.

I spent the day celebrating with my family. It started with a delicious breakfast at one of my favorite restaurants where they now offer gluten free pancakes! Then, home to open gifts and do what I love to do on football. Even the Raven's losing couldn't dampen my birthday mood. That evening my husband cooked a delicious dinner and surprised me with a wonderful homemade dessert. He made a strawberry shortcake that meets my dietary needs...gluten and dairy free, created from a delicious vanilla cake with organic strawberries on top and whipped coconut cream on top. It was divine.

The week following my birthday flew by as I homeschooled my twins during the day and then in the evening I worked each night finalizing my inventory list for my upcoming solo show, matted and framed the pieces, and edited the real estate shoots I completed over the week. Each night I would collapse into bed, exhausted but happy and proud with the day's accomplishments.

Friday was our first day at homeschool co-op where my twins take 4 classes with other homeschooled students their age and I teach 2 high school photography classes to 23 students. I also assist in two other classes, an art class for elementary students and a sign language class for the same age group. I was a bit nervous; very reminiscent of the night before school started back in the days when I was a classroom teacher. The nerves are good, keeping me on my toes, and it is more of a nervous excitement more than anything else. Joining this co-op was out of my normal realm of what I do. I tend to be very shy although I force myself to not appear that way. It takes a lot of energy for me to push myself into a group of about 40 women and appear calm and collected and sociable. But, at the end of the day, the twins were over-the-moon happy and I felt relieved and accomplished that my high school pupils were willing, kind, and excited for the upcoming year-long class.

Last night I collapsed into bed, completely spent from the week and yet, here I am, up and ready early Saturday morning, preparing to head out to deliver my artwork to the gallery for hanging. While I am there, a reporter is due to meet me and interview me for a local newspaper article. All of this is so surreal to me and uncomfortable. I prefer to be home, quiet, and private, so despite being tired, the smile will come out and I will do what I have to make this show the best it can be. I want it to succeed so that we can bring awareness to Chronic Lyme Disease and raise money for research, education, advocacy, and support.

Just when I think everything is wrapped up and things can calm down, I will have a house full of guests coming tomorrow, something else that I am uncomfortable with. In the future I can tell you all the exciting things going on here tomorrow, but for now, it has to be a contractual secret, so I can't say anything more other than the stress and rigor continues! Once the opening reception is over this coming Friday, I will be so thankful for the lull that will be present. I am in desperate need of rest and relaxation...something I am very much looking forward to in mid-October.

For now, have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next week. May you be blessed in the upcoming week and find happiness each day.  xo

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