Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Brave New World Exhibit at the World Trade Center in Baltimore

Brave New World art exhibit by Tracey Grumbach at the World Trade Center in Baltimore

The following press release was just sent to local Maryland news outlets and I am pretty excited about this opportunity!

BALTIMORE, MD−August 20, 2019−Harford County artist, Tracey Grumbach, is currently showing 46 pieces of digital art in a solo art exhibit titled “Brave New World” at the World Trade Center in Baltimore.  The show runs through September 13, 2019.

This is the largest collection of Mrs. Grumbach’s work shown to date and features work from several of her latest series including Faceless, The Beauty Myth, and Growth Mindset, which examine human nature and the influences of the technical age on the human psyche.

Tracey Grumbach states, “This collection of art is my victory call because it was created over a period of several years out of a need to express myself during my battle with Chronic Lyme Disease. I felt silenced, not only from the effects of aphasia, which was caused by the disease damaging the language section of my brain, but also by the doctors and hospitals who didn’t believe I was suffering in such a severe way. Art was my way of reconnecting with a world that I didn’t trust anymore, thus the title of the exhibit, Brave New World.”

Mrs. Grumbach’s artistic practice is focused on combining traditional collage with photography and digital art, creating a unique look that each of the other disciplines can’t achieve on their own.

Mrs. Grumbach will also show her art in New York City at the prestigious LymeMIND Conference on October 19, 2019.

About Tracey Grumbach (www.nineacresdesigns.com)
Tracey Grumbach teaches art and photography classes at Harford Community College.  Her artwork has been seen in venues throughout Maryland and Pennsylvania, and has been published in national and international publications. She is also a member of Harford Artists’ Association. 

Tracey Grumbach sits in front of Brave New World art Exhibit at Baltimore's World Trade Center
Tracey Grumbach in front of the Brave New World art exhibit at the World Trade Center in Baltimore

If you happen to swing by the exhibit, take a picture of yourself in front of the art and send it to me to be entered for a chance to win a free print!

I am so thankful to God for these opportunities to get my art and my story out into the world. 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Upcoming Events and Classes

As April (and Spring...yay!) approaches, I thought I would update what is happening over here at Nine Acres Designs, LLC for the rest of the month and for April...it's a lot!

First, on Saturday, March 23, we will have the second meeting of Harford Photography Field Trip group. Join us for this free, laid-back event open to all people interested in photography. The type of camera or your level of experience does not matter. We accept everyone from beginners to pro...and any camera from iPhone to DSLR. This month we are meeting at Kilgore Falls, Falling Branch Area of Rocks State Park located at 1026 Falling Branch Road, Pylesville, MD 21132. Come along with us to photograph the second largest waterfall in Maryland! There is a short hike to get to the waterfall which involves crossing a stream, so be sure to dress appropriately. Footwear that is waterproof and slip proof is highly recommended and you might want to bring a hiking stick to help steady you across the water. We will meet in the parking lot at the beginning of the trail to the waterfall at 8AM. I want to get the early morning light before the sun is too high, so this one is early! We had a blast last month at Eden Mill Nature Center, so come join the fun! Here is the link to the Facebook Event page.

Then, on Saturday, March 30 from 1:00-4:00PM I will be participating again in the Human Library Event at Havre de Grace Library. I will be a book that you can check out for 10-15 minute time spans to ask me questions about Lyme or my experience with Lyme Disease.  I had a blast last month doing this at Abingdon Library and every time slot was taken, so be sure to come early and sign up!

On April 2, I will be a guest on the Podcast Harford County Living and speaking about my art along with the other guest, Sheldon Bair, the music director of the Susquehanna Symphony Orchestra. I am looking forward to meeting the podcast host, Rich Bennett and talking with these two great men who have done so much in Harford County!

Also, on Tuesday, April 2, I am offering a class through Harford Community College called Digital Photography 1. I have had so many people ask me to do an evening class to accommodate those who work during the day, so I have! Classes are on Tuesday evenings from 6PM-9PM for four weeks starting 4/2 and going to 4/23. The class is already half full so if you are interested, please register soon, either in person at Edgewood Hall at HCC or online. This hands-on class focuses on teaching you about your DSLR camera and all the basics of digital photography so you can stop taking all your photos on AUTO and start making creative decisions in your photography! I hope to see you there!

If you'd rather take pictures on your iPhone instead of lugging around a large, heavy DSLR camera, I have a class for you too!  Also beginning in April, on Mondays from 4/15-4/29 from 9:30-12:30, I am offering Secrets to Amazing iPhone Pictures! Learn to make the most out of your iPhone's camera app and also learn about two other photography apps, Hipstamatic, and CameraPlus2. I will teach you all the secrets and tricks to grabbing stellar images on your iPhone. (Only iPhones in this class...no androids or other type of smart phones!) You can register in person at Edgewood Hall at HCC or online.


Also in April the television segment I taped in February will be released but I don't have a date just yet.

Also, I am teaching night classes this summer at Harford Community College, so I will let you know when that schedule is finalized.  Keep a look out for this!

I am excited to say that more is in the works behind the scenes for this spring, but because dates are not finalized yet, I can't share them just yet! Some opportunities may include showing my art in the Big Apple, a possible publication opportunity, and other things! I hope everyone has a fantastic spring and I encourage you to keep being creative!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

'Living Well' Television Show Appearance

I am very excited to announce that on February 14th I had the wonderful opportunity to film a short segment for the television show, Living Well, on Harford Cable Network.  I was very honored that my supervisor at Harford Community College recommended me for the job out of all the other continuing education instructors she could have recommended. After some discussion back and forth with the show's producer, Karen Frances, it was decided I would give a few short photography tips to viewers. Having never done anything like this before (besides my very brief stint on a reality game show a few years back) I was very nervous. But Karen and her cameraman were so patient, kind, and encouraging that although stressful, it ended up being a lot of fun and something I can check off the bucket list.

Receiving instruction from producer, Karen Frances. Image used with permission-Kim Slotnick

 The show will be airing in April on Harford Cable Network, which is on Comcast Channel 21, Verizon Channel 31, and Armstrong Channel 7. It can also be seen online at HarfordCable.org throughout the month of April.

Waiting for the camera and lighting to be adjusted before taping. Image used with permission-Kim Slotnick

Going into this, I didn't realize exactly how everything would work. In my mind we would be in a private room and do an interview-style question and answer session with the producer. However, the facts were that we were shooting in the lobby of Edgewood Hall at Harford Community College while students were walking in and out, staring and wondering what in the world was going on. The front registration desk was just a few feet away and so there was a lot of noise and action for me to block out and ignore during taping.

Laughing at something the cameraman said to try and loosen me up! Image used with permission- Kim Slotnick

Truth be told, I messed up a lot because I would go blank while staring into the camera. The producer and cameraman were so kind to let me do as many retakes as I needed. They encouraged me the whole time telling me I was doing a great job when in reality I felt like I was just stumbling all over myself and looking awkward and weird.

The amazing cameraman who kept me calm and was very patient! Image used with permission-Kim Slotnick

In all I think I was "on set" for about an hour and twenty minutes. I don't even think the segment will be 2 minutes long. I have a new respect for the people in this industry who are in front (or behind) the camera every single day. They make it look so darn easy when in reality is very nerve wracking.

Trying to gesture and smile during taping. Image used with permission-Kim Slotnick

One of the things that was most difficult for me is to smile and gesture while talking. Normally, in a classroom while teaching, this is so natural for me. But for some reason, in front of the camera, it was very, very difficult! I know that they are planning on using some overlays of photography examples during my segment and honestly, I hope the photography is on the screen a lot longer than my face!

I am not really anxious to see the final product. To be honest, I was mad at myself afterward because I felt like I could have done a better job for these wonderful people. My memory difficulties (a lasting effect from having Lyme Disesase) and my discomfort in front of the camera made me feel like I let everyone down. Hopefully the editors will be able to salvage something decent from clips they taped.

What I learned from this whole experience is that I am NOT cut out for television...at least scripted television anyway. I am a lot more comfortable behind the camera rather than in front of it. I also learned there are some really great people left in this world...two of which were kind enough to walk me through this experience.

Thank you to HCN, HCC, my supervisor, Lisha Sturgill; Marketing Support Specialist, Kim Slotnick (who took all these stills); HCN producer Karen Frances; and the HCN cameraman (I am so embarrassed I have forgotten his name!). You all made this a wonderful experience with so much grace and kindness.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Getting Back Into the Groove

It feels strange...the feel of the keys under my fingers typing this out. I'm out of practice and I feel rusty. It has been about 9 months since I have typed an update on my blog and I guess it is true what they say, especially of languages...if you don't use it you'll lose it. I didn't really abandon my blog on purpose. The flame of writing and posting just slowly dwindled into some hot coals that were barely visible anymore. I was burned out. I didn't feel like I had much to say anymore. It was time to take a self imposed hiatus from my blog.

That doesn't mean that I've been idle, though. To the contrary, these past nine months have been filled with finishing my Project 365, applying and preparing for a new job, starting that job, traveling, parenting, and monitoring my health. Recently, since the completion of my project, I have been rather quiet online altogether, including my Facebook Page. I am finding that I am throwing myself into my teaching position 100% which doesn't leave me much time, if any at all, for in the studio. At first I didn't miss it that much because of the excitement of teaching at Harford Community College, but now I am starting to feel the flames lick the inside of my ribs again, fueling a desire to create and get back into the studio. I have a few more weeks left to teach and then I have a six week or so break for the winter holidays. I look forward to spending a lot of that time busy in my studio.

For now, I still may not have a lot to say, but it does feel good to exercise my writing muscles again. Hopefully things will quiet down, fall into a more predictable schedule, and I can get back into writing and creating on a more steady basis.

Have a wonderful day, y'all. I've missed you.


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Introduction to Mobile Artistry Workshop

Introduction to Mobile Artistry Workshop with instructor Tracey Grumbach, artist.
I am so happy to announce that registration for my newest class, Introduction to Mobile Artistry, is now open! The class will be held on Saturday, January 27, 2018 from 9AM-12:00PM at Arts By the Bay Gallery in beautiful Havre de Grace, MD. In this class I will be teaching how to use apps on your iOS device (iPhone or iPad ONLY) to create the three pieces above. I will provide the files and step-by-step instruction while giving you some insight into my artistic process, thought, and tricks. After completing this one day workshop, participants in Introduction to Mobile Artistry will be able to apply the knowledge learned to their own mobile photography to create art.

Introduction to Mobile Artistry requires participants to have an iOS device and the list of required apps loaded onto their device prior to class. Cost of apps is NOT included in the registration fee and is the responsibility of the participant. A list of apps needed for Introduction to Mobile Artistry is listed on the registration page.

The Introduction to Mobile Artistry class size is limited to 15 so please register early! Seats are filling up quickly! I am looking forward to meeting everyone and having a wonderful time creating art. 

For more information and registration for Introduction to Mobile Artistry, please visit my Nine Acres Designs, LLC website Workshop page.