Sunday, June 1, 2014

Downtown Stairway

Change is under rated, don't you think?
Many people are scared of change, but can you imagine
much better the world would be 
if we could replace the fear of change
with excitement, enthusiasm, and hope 
for what was yet to come?


This doorway in Baltimore City drew me in 
when I walked past it a while back.
There is something about stairs and doorways...
an invitation to see what is on the other side,
almost like a dare...
I am the curious sort and I love architecture,
so I am always wondering what the inside of buildings look like.
The massive columns on either side,
the staircase and wrought iron railings
all symmetrical
calling one in
screaming, "Explore me, see what I am about inside!"

I know, I'm weird like that.

Today I am thankful for change.
If change didn't happen, what a truly boring world it would be.
So happy for the positive changes in my life...
out with the negative and in with the positive.
A breath of fresh air!


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