Monday, September 11, 2017

12/365- Precipice of a Decision

railroad crossing sign
Using intentional blur to create atmosphere in an image

Canon 5D Mark III
Lens Baby Composer Lens
Aperture Priority Mode
Edited with various apps on iPhone 6S Plus

“There must be a few times in life when you stand at a precipice of a decision. When you know there will forever be a Before and an After...I knew there would be no turning back if I designated this moment as my own Prime Meridian from which everything else would be measured.”
―Justina Chen; North of Beautiful 

Looking back through my life I can see several stand-out "Prime Meridian" moments; those moments that define your life, your character, your career, your direction. Some of those moments are beautiful to remember and make me proud when I reminisce. Some of those moments were poor decisions that are painful to remember but still serve a purpose in defining who I am today. Some are inevitable, like kids growing up and going off to college. Some are self-inflicted like changing jobs or moving homes. But all these stand out moments have one thing in common...they draw a line in the sand of our journey's path denoting "Before" and "After" on each side of the mark.

For sure one of these prime meridian moments was finding out I have chronic Lyme disease. I will forever have a Before I was sick and After I was sick. I don't hate everything about the "after" even though you'd think the opposite. I've learned so much about myself, my marriage, my kids, my friends, and my faith in the "after." Even if I could go back and change having Lyme Disease, I wouldn't. That is saying a lot. I like who I am and where I am in my life better "after" than "before." That isn't to say I don't want to be cured or that I don't want to do things I could do before becoming sick. It is just to say that I like who I am inside so much better than the "before" me.

Have you had a prime meridian moment in your life? Something that draws a line in the sand and marks a before and after?

Until tomorrow...


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