Friday, July 11, 2014


Two of my dear friends made my day today and I am so grateful for both of them.
They know that I have struggled with the death of my father and also with my health
so they dropped in unannounced this morning with this
absolutely gorgeous plant to cheer me up.
Hugs were passed around, kind words were spoken, and a few tears were shed.
It is during times like these when we discover our true friends.
Not that every friend needs to deliver a plant,
but during the tough times, your true friends will step forward
and touch your heart in ways only they know you need
(sometimes even YOU don't know you need it).

This plant represents so much more than just a house decoration...
it symbolizes the bond between human hearts
and as I take care of it and see it every day,
that is what I will feel...the love in which it was given.

Thank you, friends.
Love you.

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