Sunday, August 23, 2015

Coming Back to Reality

Sights from the Outer Banks, North Carolina
Left: Hattaras Lighthouse Top Right: Sunset across the Sound
Middle Right: Ocracoke Preservation Society Museum
Bottom Right: Ocracoke Island Lighthouse

For the last week I have enjoyed the sights, sounds, and atmosphere of the Outer Banks, North Carolina. It was a difficult trip in some ways and a delightful one in most ways. It didn't start off so teenage son and daughter were following us in our pick-up truck because we were bringing along our kayaks other other outdoor equipment that just couldn't fit in the Suburban along with our luggage and food. Somewhere along Interstate 95 in Virginia, he was involved in an accident where a a driver lost control (possibly fell asleep?), slammed into the back of the car behind my son, which caused that driver to swerve off the road onto the shoulder and when she corrected and swerved back onto the road, she slammed into the rear/side of our truck. It is a horrible feeling when you look behind you and see your kids pulling off the road because they have been involved in an accident.

Thank God, my kids were perfectly fine (thanks to my son's head's up driving and the stoutness of our farm truck) the damage to the Ford F150 was minimal and was still drivable to continue on our trip. The other two vehicles in the crash were both towed with massive damage, but thankfully all the occupants involved were not seriously injured. About 90 minutes later we were on our way again, adrenaline pumping, but everyone safe and sound. The Virginia state police, the paramedics, and the firemen that all came to the scene were friendly and amazing. They gave all of us water (it was HOT standing on 95 in the blazing sun!), checked on us all (including everyone in my vehicle that wasn't even involved in the crash), and chatted with us, giving us travel tips and shortcuts to our destination. These professionals are so underappreciated now days and I just wanted to be sure to send a shout out to all the first responders out there that serve our communities!

Arriving at our final destination 11 hours later, we were thrilled with our rented home in Rodanthe, NC. What a beautiful place. Our week was filled with relaxing and exploring as well as a bit of education for the kids. I will write more about our trip later...for now, it is all about trying to get back to reality, unpacking, planning homeschool for the coming week, and preparing to get my business back on track after vacation (scheduling time for my co-op gallery, selecting and printing pieces for my solo show in October, invoicing for real estate photos, etc.). Oh, and laundry too...the gosh darn laundry!  :)

Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.  <3

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