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Basilica of St. Louis, King Also known as Old Cathedral |
I sought to hear the voice of God
and climbed the topmost steeple,
but God declared: "Go down again-
I dwell among the people."
-John Henry Newman
My beautiful mother came into town on Monday, driving herself from Lynchburg to northern Maryland by herself. I am so proud of her because she is not much of a long distance driver and yet she loaded her car up with gifts and necessities and made the trek by herself. After my father passed away, I worried that she would never visit Maryland again unless we drove to get her and bring her back. But, she proved me wrong and I am very proud of her.
I've been enjoying the time with her. The last time I saw her was in October when the twins and I took a trip to see her and combined it with a field trip to see Thomas Jefferson's homes that are located within an hour of her house. We always have a great time visiting her, either at her house or at mine. We've spent much of the time playing various games. We are big into playing games in the evening so we've pulled out dominos to play Chicken Foot; cards to play Nerts (a very fast competitive card game similar solitaire); dice for a game called Left, Center, Right; and cards again for a game called 7Up 7Down. The twins are now old enough to start independently participating in most of the games, so it has been a ton of fun.
Today we are heading out to have lunch with one of my mom's sisters. I haven't seen her in a while and it will be good to spend some time with her. Life is busy this time of season, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I am looking forward to hosting Brian's side of the family on Friday evening, and my brother's family on Christmas Eve. I am not much of a hostess (I HATE to cook) but I will do my best and I am sure everyone knows by now that when I host family it is very laid back and not fancy at all.
I hope you all are finding quiet time to enjoy the season and relax. Have a wonderful Wednesday, y'all.
That's my style too, laid back. I don't mind cooking it is the planning I hate and always put off until the last minute, as I am doing yet again this year. Somehow it always seems to come together.