Friday, February 17, 2017

Harford County Homestead- Digital Art by Baltimore Artist

About this image: The beauty of where I live is that almost everywhere you look there are quaint nooks of farmland snuggled into the rolling hills. This property belongs to a friend of mine and I created this digital painting from a photograph I took back in 2010 when she was hosting a Polar Bear Plunge in her frozen farm pond. In the original photograph there were people all around the pond in their bathing suits in the freezing cold weather and snow. However, for this digital painting, I just wanted nature so I left all the people out of the final piece. I was not one of the crazy dippers that day...I preferred to record all the action with my camera. My kids and husband did plunge, though, to help raise money for the Special Olympics. It is one of those fond family memories that we have and will never forget.

Speaking of looking back and memories, I've had so much fun looking back at old photos lately, that I've decided to share the fun with you and post an update on Nine Acres Designs Facebook page if there was a post from years past on that day.

It's Friday, y'all. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I am hoping my jaw pain stays in check so I can begin to move about a bit this weekend. Sitting still gets awfully boring.


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